A sucessful web site needs to be constantly changing for a user to come back. If the content is not different, then there is no reason for the user to come back. Depending on how your web site is set up, there are a few ways to update your visitors.
If your web site is set up with a database back end, then you should have some sort of password protected entry to a user interface which allows you change the information that comes out of your database. This is the easiest way to keep your content changing and up to date.
If your web site isn't database driven, then to update your content, it's a little bit more difficult. All web pages consist of source code, which contains all of the codes telling your web browser how to show the user your information. The text in these files can be edited with any text editor, such as Notepad or any HTML editor, such as FrontPage. The recommended way to update these pages is to download them using a file transfer protocol (FTP) program such as Filezilla and then edit them on your local machine. When you are done editing your content, simply send the file back to the server where it is stored and your site will be instantly updated.
There are many free resources for learning hyper text markup language (HTML) on the web. We recommend that you learn some basic HTML so that you can make your web site sing and dance the way you want it to.